As with the river network, the railroad in the Ebro valley has also historically been constituted as a central trunk to which small branches are flowing on both sides. Most of them were operated by independent railway companies with generally variable length lines of metric gauge. The text that concerns us this time is the Calahorra to Arnedillo railway, in La Rioja. It is not the first time that these railroads are treated in this collection, after the volumes dedicated to those of Sádaba to Gallur and its neighbors Cortes to Borja and Tudela to Tarazona. The Calahorra to Arnedillo, also called El Trenillo, was inaugurated in 1918, with the aim of transferring the coal production of the Préjano mines to the wide-gauge railway. Parallel to the economic development of other similar railroads, it was also rescued by EFE, in 1938 and after three years with the service suspended. The state company kept it in operation until the total closure in 1966. The book details the historical trajectory of the railway, the characteristics of its route, buildings and fixed facilities, and the complete analysis of its motor and mobile material.