Books of the collection
Monografías del Ferrocarril
and tren-tram in The Marina.
and Préjano mines
Railway network in the city of Valladolid
Talgo Series 352,353,354,BT
TTrams and trolleybuses in Tarragona and Reus
The Tarazonica and sugar factory trains
Talgo locos 1T-4T (Renfe 350)
Tramways in Valladolid
And MZOV company
Short railway line in Zaragoza
V200 Generation / Renfe series 340
Five villages Railway
Colección Unidades de tren y automotores eléctricos (III).
Book in English with summary in Spanish
Mining railway in the province of Huelva
Railway between Torralba and Castejón de Ebro
La sociedad Abantos S.A., El funicular de cuelgamuros (Valle de los caídos)
FIAT trains in Renfe, first part.
History of narrow gauge train in Madrid.
History of the first railway between Spain and Portugal.
ALCO 2.100 series in Renfe.
French locos in narrow gauge (2nd part). Series Feve 1000 and 1600.
French locos in narrow gauge (1st part). Creusot/Naval 1100 and Batignolles/Caf 1200.
Colección Unidades de tren y automotores eléctricos (II).
History of this industrial railway of madrid.
African Spanish railways.
Colección Unidades de tren y automotores eléctricos (I).
Tramways and railways in Jaen.
History of industrial railways in Asturias.
Third generation in Renfe. 1900 Renfe.
Public transports in El Tibidabo.
The P.V. and mining in El Bierzo. 2nd Edition updated.
Series Renfe 1.300, 1.400 and 1.900.
"Directo de Burgos" railways and Madrid links.
Eurofima locos in Renfe and family U10B de General Electric.
History of the actual "MetroValencia.
Trains of "Esparto". "Vay-Sud" of Spain. "Ybern" trains.
First generation of diesel locomotives in Renfe.
History of these transport ways.
American Steam locos in Spain and Portugal.
History of industrial railways of Murcia.
The Schienenbús Uerdingen in Spain.
The "transpirenaico" of Noguera Pallaresa river and Lleida-Teruel-Baeza railway.